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martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Street Fighter IV HD v1.0 Apk (All phones version)

For Non Rooted Device
Instruction :
install this APK and copy the data of the game to the root of your SD. No need to use Titanium and no need to have a rooted phone.
SD location :

For Rooted Device
Use this Instruction :
  Download SD files, apk for your phone screen and Titanium backup files
  Put SD files folder called SF_IV_DATA and the apk on your SD card
  Put Titanium backup files into Titanium Backup folder on your SD card
  Open Tinanium Backup and restore Street Fighter files (apk+data)
 Go to /data/data/jp.co.capcom.android.sf4hd with Root Explorer (or any other app same as this)
  Copy the folder called "files" on /data/data/jp.co.capcom.android.sf4hd to you SD card
  Uninstall the game & data from your phone (normally, in Parameters>Apps>...)
 Reinstall the game with the apk of your screen size
  Copy the folder "files" from your SD card to /data/data/jp.co.capcom.android.sf4hd (-> Now, a folder called "lib" must be here)
  Run the game
  Let's play !!!


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